Abantu Launches Groundbreaking Women’s Rights And Elections 2024 Programme In Ghana

Abantu for development

Abantu Launches Groundbreaking Women’s Rights And Elections 2024 Programme In Ghana

On Thursday, 18th April 2024, the International Press Center in Accra was abuzz with
excitement, as ABANTU for Development in partnership with the African Women’s Development
Fund launched our groundbreaking women’s rights and elections 2024 programme. The event

saw a total of 55 participants, coming together to discuss opportunities with the programme and
deliberate on practical recommendations, observations and proposals for the effective implementation of the project in the next 24 months.

The 55 participants included representatives of Civil Society Organizations, representatives from District Assemblies, Members of the Women’s Manifesto and Affirmative Action BILL Coalitions, and friends from the Media. The event was also graced by distinguished guests and key stakeholders, including the Director for the Department of Gender, Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, the Grants Manager of the African Women’s Development Fund, the Assistant Director of the National Commission on Civic Education, and a prominent member of Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) Committee.

The programme, titled “Strengthening Activism for a Gender Responsive Elections 2024 in
Ghana”, generally aims to empower women and promote inclusivity in the upcoming elections.
With the presence of such esteemed individuals, the launch was a clear indication of the
collective commitment to advancing women’s rights and ensuring their active participation in the
democratic process. At the event, speakers highlighted the urgent need for gender-responsive
policies and practices in the electoral process. The Director for the Department of Gender
emphasized the government’s dedication to promoting gender equality and encouraged all
stakeholders to actively engage in this transformative programme. The Grants Manager of the

AWDF emphasized the importance of financial support to sustain initiatives that empower
women and amplify their voices. The Assistant Director of the NCCE stressed on the
significance of civic education in fostering an informed and engaged electorate. Lastly, the
member of the CEDAW committee reaffirmed the committee’s commitment to monitoring and
promoting women’s rights, ensuring that Ghana remains on track with international standards.

The launch event served as a platform to announce the various components of the programme,
which include capacity building workshops, review of the second edition of the women’s
manifesto document and drafting of a third edition, and advocacy efforts towards the immediate
passage of Ghana’s Affirmative Action Bill into Law, as one that addresses gender-based
barriers in political participation. ABANTU, in close collaboration with its partners, aims to create

a supportive environment for women candidates, enhance their leadership skills, and encourage
their active involvement in political decision-making.

The programme’s holistic approach focuses not only on the electoral process, but also on
addressing systemic challenges that hinder women’s full participation in politics. By engaging
stakeholders at grassroots levels and adopting community participatory approaches, ABANTU
aims to ensure that the programme is responsive to the needs of women across Ghana. As the
programme moves forward, ABANTU plans to use a number of media engagements and
publications to advance women’s rights at large. They will amplify women’s voices, shape public
opinion, advocate for gender-responsive elections, raise awareness about the Programme’s objectives and impact, and build partnerships to advance women’s rights and political participation.

By utilizing media platforms, ABANTU will share stories, challenge stereotypes,
inspire action, and create a more inclusive and supportive environment for women in politics.
Ultimately, these media engagements and publications will contribute to empowering women,
promoting gender equality, and fostering inclusive political processes. Stay tuned to learn more
about the inspiring work and impact of this empowering initiative!

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